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Five teenagers, thrown together by circumstance, fight the system in order to find their place in the world, preserve the sanctuary of their spiritual home and come together to win ‘Band Idol UK’... and earn the validation that comes with it.


A bold and forward thinking series reflecting the highs and lows of 12-15-year-olds and their fractured lives in the UK today. Told through the lens of fourteen-year-old Macey Caine, sole carer to an alcoholic Mother acutely gripped in a downward mental health spiral.

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Meet The Cast

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‘The Teen Mental Health Epidemic’


  • One in six children aged 5 to 16 were identified as having a probable mental health problem in July 2021. A huge increase from one in nine in 2017.


  • The number of A&E attendances by young people aged 18 or under with a recorded diagnosis of a psychiatric condition has more than tripled between 2010 and 2023.


  • Over 7% of 17-year-olds reported having self-harmed with suicidal intent at some point in their lives.


  • Nearly half of 17-19 year-olds with a diagnosable mental health disorder has self-harmed or attempted suicide at some point, rising to 52.7% for young women.

‘The power of inclusion’


At face value ‘The Slip’ is a forward thinking and relatively daring expose on the troubles and plight of teenagers in modern Britain today. Each episode tackles differing - and sometimes hard hitting - subjects relevant to modern UK youth culture. Shining a spotlight on the realities and truths that form a major part of many young lives, ‘The Slip’ will possibly make for uncomfortable viewing at times, whilst always tackling tough issues with age appropriate sensitivity, honesty, compassion and educational value.


The Slip has been devised in line with the current network thirst for programmes that reflect the twelve to fifteen-year-old demographic and add to the broad appeal content they already love elsewhere on the BBC, ITV and channel 4.


Cheryl Taylor, Head of Content for BBC Children’s, says: “It is widely acknowledged that 12-15 year olds can be a difficult audience to reach. We feel that there should be more public service content specifically for this age group. Our aim is to produce new content that bridges the small gap between the top end of CBBC and all the amazing content for 16-34s on the BBC.”


An original episodic TV comedy series for submission to networks in 2024.






We are introduced to Macey Caine, a lonely and troubled fourteen-year-old, struggling to keep above water as she is burdened with the responsibility of caring for her neuro diverse and substance addicted mother.




Insight into young carers. Depression and anxiety. Feelings of hopelessness. Struggling to fit in and find identity. Family breakdown. Substance addiction. The power of ‘a problem shared’. The pressures of responsibility vs the freedom of childhood.




Introduced into a new concept youth exclusion centre, Macey initially struggles to adapt into this strange new world. Forced to interact with a new group of peers she slowly lets her guard down and begins to feel the power of inclusion, sharing problems and learning from positive mentors.




Therapy and counselling. Self confidence. Trust. Inclusion. Tolerance towards differences. Positive and negative choices. Mentorship. The new concept of family.






Quickly forming a powerful BFF bond with wild-child ‘Slip’ member, Ellie Turner, Macey is persuaded to take a walk on the wild side through a night out in Colchester town with her new best friend. As the evening unfurls, Macey slowly begins to realize that her exciting new friend may not be as stable as she first thought. As Ellie begins to turn from ‘super cool’ free spirit to narcissistic bully Macey is dragged into several at-risk situations, culminating in being ‘trapped’ in an abandoned house, where hard drugs are not only being freely used, but pushed ‘persuasively’ onto the two teenage girls.




Trust. Inclusion. Drug use and abuse. Boundaries. Inner strength and the power to say ‘no’. Moral choices. Negative role models. Cause and effect. Worldwide belief systems.



Following the trauma of Macey’s wild night out she embraces the safety and and creative possibilities of her inclusion at ‘The Slip’. Forming new bonds with positive role models she emotionally buys in to the new world and pledges to support her new peers fight to protect the sanctitity of their spiritual home. 




Trust. Inclusion. Safe spaces. Creative therapy. ‘Paying it forward’. Risk and reward. Being comfortable in your own skin. Team work and collaboration.

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Produced as part of the 'Underdog Crew' TV production course.

‘Underdog Crew’ 2023 | Television production workshops


Boots-on-the-ground television production workshops, where Underdog Crew participants work alongside professional film crew in the production of episodes of ‘The Slip.’ 60 hours of bite-sized 3 to 4 hour workshops and a 4-day filming placement over 10 weeks. Inclusivity: up to 14 interns from non neuro-typical or disadvantaged backgrounds.


Project aims:


  • Advancement of the Underdog Crew media training programmes.

  • Expansion of our professional output and level of professional training.

  • An exciting project that highlights current teen issues in the UK.

  • Stealth education around mental health, addiction and societal issues.

  • Creating an ongoing revenue generation project for The Underdog Crew C.I.C

  • Enhancing our national media focus.



Dominic Beresford-Morgan

Director | Producer | Screenwriter



07950 593982  |


Company registration number: 14530067




About DB Morgan


DB Morgan - Born and bred in Colchester, Essex, UK. A mental health survivor, vocal advocate for #ownvoices works and proud family ambassador for As a mental health survivor, anxiety sufferer and general all-round underdog, DB Morgan is proud to welcome under-represented and minority groups into all his filmmaking exploits. Having trialled his 'youth involvement project' during the shoot of his 2010, MTV competition winning, short film, 'Subject 3' he quickly learned that everybody has something to offer in a creative environment and crew members on the autism/aspergers spectrum especially came away empowered and motivated from their experiences on set.​


“You don’t need a spaceship or time machine to access my worlds. Neither do you need to find

 the golden ticket, be the star quarterback or head cheerleader. You just need to grasp the

opportunity of adventure and believe in yourself.” DB Morgan


Three feature films in, and with a stack of International awards, DB Morgan continues to rough up the industry in his own inimitable way, whilst paying it forward to the new generation.

"Harnessing the power of professional film to promote positivity and wellbeing in young adults."

A community interest production powered by Underdog Crew Studios. 

'THE UNDERDOG CREW C.I.C' REGISTERED CHARITABLE ORGANISATION.       UK Company registration number: 14530067

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